Tuesday, January 10, 2017

New Year, New Me, New Goal.... I'm ready.

Happy New Year, everyone!!!!!
I hope it's not too late to say happy bew year since i've been busy with lots of stuff for my project plan this year.

So many things happened for the past few years. And 2016 was the hardest so far. But today, here I am, standing tall with eyes wide open. And i see beautiful landscape with beautiful flower. They're waiting me there. And I just can't tell how excited for me to walk this path and bloom like all those flowers.  World, i'll rise up and cheers.

You might be confused about what's on my mind. Because my previous posting has showed how depressed i was with my life. Shortly, I got a book from my dad as a christmas gift. A book written by Michelle Phan. My fave beauty vlogger that inspired me for so long and made me think. I wish a was her. If only i could turn back time....
But after reading that book, it feelt like my mindset was turned over and I realize that it wasn't too late to follow my passion and reach my dream. I'm never too old to dream.

So this year i decided to set my goal which has only been an imagination few years ago. I wanna help people with my passion and i will give all i have to make them satisfied with my project.

BEAUTYLICIOUS. Yes it's the name of my project. You might have heard it for so long. That's true. I've been running this project for almost 9 years. I walked through up and down but never get bored of it. This is my passion. The world of skin care is always something that catch my attraction. But i never really work my all to make this project work. I just do like what other people do. And i got left behind.

Today I realize that i can't just follow what ordinary people do. I have to make a difference to make it arise. I need to do something that when people heard of it, they will stop and think and try. So here i am. With my new project. Stay tuned if you wanna know the detail of it.

Now i need to have my coffee and drive for ballet practise. One words from me. You are never too late to act. So it's now or never. Because time's never coming back. Good luck everyone, and cu on my next post.